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Module Defence

Below are our solutions built to protect your infrastructures and servers. These solutions offer configurations designed to embrace multiple levels of protection, which in some situations must rightly be high, such as when dealing with sensitive data or when it is necessary to ensure maximum control of the system.

Our technicians and consultants will show you the solution that best suits your needs.

Illustration of a space defence spacecraft


The Starfighter type solution includes, starting from the identification of the assets to be protected, the assessment of possible threats in terms of probability of occurrence and relative potential damage (severity). Certain "best practices" procedures are then applied to offer the customer an effective solution and at the same time able to provide protection from most of the threats present on the network; in this regard, firewalls will be configured and basic protection protocols applied. In addition, the systems will be equipped with automatic security updates with a predetermined frequency. However, this defence system is not very suitable in situations where there are several services or personalized services and in the case in which sensitive and biometric data are dealt with.

This module requires in advance that an analysis be carried out through the Probe Module.

Illustration of a space defence spacecraft

Illustration of a spacecraft for the most advanced space defence


The Cruiser-type defence system offers a higher level of security and optimization than the Starfighter solution, the Server Hardening level of procedures also affects user permissions and kernel configuration, in addition to protection systems and security of critical and specific services through a firewall configuration. This module also allows you to encrypt and verify the authenticity of connections by setting up a system of encrypted connections through WireGuard, an open source program that allows you to create secure point-to-point connections in routed or bridged configuration. In addition, the systems will be equipped with automatic security updates on a periodic basis. The procedure allows you to offer your services in total security even where sensitive and biometric data are present.

This module requires in advance that an analysis be carried out using the Rover module.

Illustration of a very advanced and performing space defence spacecraft

Star Destroyer

The Star Destroyer defence system adds an additional layer of security thus offering an optimized configuration of the server boot, a hardening of the partitions, a further customization of permissions and the total removal of any unused and obsolete protocols, services and applications in the operating system. In addition, the Star Destroyer module implements a technology for the synchronization and verification of certificates as well as a system of point-to-point encrypted connections (WireGuard). Threats and possible attack methodologies to which services and resources are exposed are evaluated. It also allows you to detect any system intrusions through IDS systems (Intrusion Detection System) in real time. This procedure allows to reach an advanced and personalized level of security, therefore inhospitable for possible cyber attacks. The Star Destroyer Module uses a customized automatic security update system configured ad hoc to optimize the environment in which it is applied.

This Module requires in advance that an analysis be carried out through the Rover Module.

Illustration of a very advanced and performing space defence spacecraft

Here's how to contact us!

Getting information or learning more about our modules is really simple:

1. Contact us to get a free appointment with our technicians
2. Make yourself available in this appointment for a free checklist, perhaps even involving your trusted technician
3. We will then elaborate a personalized resolutive estimate using the information that emerged from the inspection, divided into risk factors (from the most critical to the less serious) or by the needs exposed (services, configurations, requests).

You will therefore be free to evaluate and choose from the Modules proposed, the one you consider to be the best situation for you, always taking into account any risk factors reported.

Finally, you can contact us by sending an email

If you want to experiment with new technologies, you can also contact us in the Fediverse or on the Matrix! Our links in the footer.


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